Try the NEW line of handcrafted Goatmilk Lotions and Moisturizing Bath Sprays! (details available in "Soap" section)
Ricochet by Kokopelli Girl
As many of you are aware, our daughter, Sydney
Lee Mitchell Phipps, a.k.a. Kokopelli Girl, is a flute player. We are thrilled to announce her newest album Ricochet.
A light hearted blend of modern music styles like only Kokopelli Girl can do! It features rhythm and blues, modern contemporary, and traditional music genres performed on Native-style flutes with guitar, piano, and rhythmic percussion accompaniment. Sydney is joined for the first time by her husband Rickey Phipps playing on guitar, and several other notable musicians like Mike Hedrick (steel guitar), Jessica Knaffl (piano), Nelson Rios (percussion), and Mike Konopka (percussion) have joined her on this endeavor.
"Wisdom is a bullet fired at point blank range."
Beans & Squash
by Kokopelli Girl (Sydney Lee Mitchell Phipps)
Corn, Beans &
Squash was our daughter's first album. It was released in November 2014 to great reviews and has sold over 1000 copies. This unique album features original compositions performed exclusively on ancient-style rim-blown Native flutes. The music is soft, elegant,
and soothing...Perfect for relaxing after a stressful day! The album is unique because Sydney was the first female flutist to produce an all ancient rim-style flute album.
Call us today to get Ricochet
or Corn, Beans &
The CDs are available here on our website, or through Sydney's site at CDs-
each plus s/h (205) 807-8043
Wild Sage values your privacy and strives to protect your credit information. All credit card orders are processed through a Square Up terminal. This way we can
assure you of complete security.
Come visit us at one of our shows!
Wild Sage Jewelry features artwork from
the Zuni and Hopi Pueblos and the Navajo Nations in New Mexico and
Arizona. We highlight the many
talents of these wonderful artisans through our selection of handmade
sterling jewelry and Zuni fetish carvings. We also sell other native
made products such as feather art, native-styled flutes, music on CD,
handmade bath and body products,smudge kits, bulk sage and other herbs. To see our whole
collection, please visit us at any of the events listed in our schedule.
Featuring feather art by award winning artist Natalie Mitchell
As a feathersmith, Natalie has received numerous accolades and
recognitions for her art. She is a self-taught feathersmith working in a
traditional medium used by Northern Plains Indians. Natalie has a true
eye for color and composition; creating beautiful, unique pieces that
you will surely enjoy. Custom pieces are available upon request, or come
by at an event and check out her art in person. Click on the “feather
art” button to see samples of her work.
Wild Sage Customer Guarantee
Wild Sage guarantees all the jewelry to be crafted by Native North
American artists from full sterling silver (.925 or better) and the
fetishes to be carved by Zuni artists using stones, shells, antler,
wood, and other natural materials. We feature pieces from several highly
collected, museum-quality artists and families. Many of the pieces in
our collection are one-of-a-kind and are not available anywhere else. We
go to great lengths to provide artist’s name and tribal affiliation when
possible, and guarantee the items are authentic Native American artwork.
We adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Native American Arts and
Crafts Act of 1990 and the Indian Arts and Crafts Enforcement Act of
2000. Wild Sage Jewelry feels strongly that native artists should be
protected from the overwhelming flow of imported native-styled goods
that lessen the public’s understanding of the native culture.
Contact Us
Check our “schedule” to find out when we will be near you, or
contact us directly by email to get additional details about items
featured on our website.
Telephone: (205) 807-8043
Address: Wild Sage Jewelry
P.O. Box 911
Pinson, Alabama 35126 (USA)
Email: |